A night out in Melbourne

So, a successful delivery of two people to Melbourne, official certification of our car (eventually we now officially have signed and ticked all the boxes), and an even more successful meet-up of all the cousins. Hiya Evelyn and Dave, great to catch up, especially on the opposite side of the world!
Chris also had cousins based here so they were putting us up for the night in a fancy apartment in town. You can guess how weird that was to be back in the Real World once again :)
Funny moment of the evening: It's ironic that in a city the size of Melbourne the place that we're brought out to for dinner turns out to be the only place in the whole city we'd eaten before :)
So, as you can guess a typical Irish get-together ensued involving lots of chatting over some beers. Brian, Chris' cousin, wanted to have a few beers and catch up with him. Unfortunately for both myself and Sean, Chris was suffering from major jetlag so we were the sacrificial lamb's. Therefore night in Póg Mo Thóin (as it was spelt in the bar!), meaning 'Kiss my ass' to those non-irish speakers, was the bar of choice. With a refreshinghingly relaxed setup due to everyone drinking glasses and not pints of beer (would you ever see this in Ireland?), the crowd didn't get too crazy until very late in the night. Still though, wandering through a streets at some silly hour of the morning brought back old memories of similar events back in Ireland. It's bemusing that I don't miss these and would much rather get more done during the days!
Still though, after the (alcohol) dryness of the past few weeks due to all the activity, it was a pleasant change to see the Aussies doing what as one local described it: “Aussies are crazy about two things: sport and beer!”. I'm not sure how well they go together but we'll let that one pass ;)

The next day was spent waiting for Chris to revive from jetlag comotosis while myself and Sean devoted ourselves to stocking up on coffee – it's amazing how much we appreciate it more since we only get to have it when we're back in towns or cities these days!
Following on, we then reloaded the car to accomodate Chris's additional equipment, re-stocked on food, and then went on another mad lap of the city to collect Liz and Danny, our two sidekicks that we'd offered to drive to and from Melbourne. Yes, we're a bit too generous at times.......


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