bouldering in Ireland

So, with the amazing new guidebook from Dave, and the imminent arrival of the new brilliant venture in Dublin, gravity climbing, is it worth starting to think about how to handle the extra influx of boulderers starting to appear at the venues? Considering they're all quite small in size, do we need to maximize their protection? This is all mentioned in the guidebook but is there more that should be done?

- careful brushing of holds (nothing too aggressive on existing problems)
- ensure footwear is cleaned extensively before pulling on. this one is heavily promoted and sign-posted in NZ - grit and muck on rockshoes works like sandpaper wearing out the friction quicker. Having seen the way many people (including myself at times) just run around in dirty rockshoes in Wicklow perhaps needs more consideration?
- cleaning off chalk regularly.
- the other obvious ones like litter, not leaving pads/gear/tarps visible at the areas (definitely not an issue now, but could become worse?)


  1. Neal I think one of the best things that can be done is to spread the load and encourage people not to just go to the well known places.

  2. simple and effective, I agree. Your website/blog with continuous photos of new locations will hopefully continue provide stimulation to others too.


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