1,013 routes - how many would you like to do?

The number of routes recorded by Adam Ondra that he has climbed harder than 7a. Very inspiring to see that sort of tick list!
1,000 different routes sounds like a nice number to aspire to - anyone else think it's a worthwhile aspiration?


  1. Glad to know I'm not the only geek keeping a record of routes! I think it's worthwhile. Looking back on last year I can see that I climbed A LOT but my grade didn't jump as much as it could have because I wasn't trying hard things often enough. This year's been off to a slow start but I'll hopefully be able to use last year's "data" (that makes it sound like work...) to see how I can improve.

  2. Always wished I had a full record of every route I've done - I've been very inconsistent over the years with records!

    It's cool though, I didn't really register this statistic of a 1,000 routes in relation to any grade, I just thought the idea of doing 1,000+ routes to be fascinating. Must try find the time to go count my total at some point :) A very valid point though that if you *do* record what you've been doing, it becomes evident quickly when you're static, not pushing yourself, doing too many easy/hard things, etc.....


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