8a is the equivalent to.....

From The Usual Suspect

I had an interesting chat with a friend of mine while on the road recently. He was of the opinion that 8a-5.13b-29 is the equivalent of running a 3-hour marathon. I.e. that the amount of effort it would require to prepare and train to run a marathon in under 3 hours is the equivalent to the amount of preparation required to climb an 8a. It's an interesting comparison and something that non-climbers could potentially relate to.
We don't really like to think of climbing as a sport in the same sense but I thought it was an interesting comparison. Climbing of course can have a lot of variables that might have to be accounted for either (say, different rock types, angle, etc.) that runners don't have deal with - although some runs might take place on my hilly terrain.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the grade is exactly right (haven't run a 3-hour marathon either so can't compare :) but I wonder what other people think?
And what's, say, 7a-5.11c/d-23 equivalent to ?

All ideas welcome below

Image Credit: myself training on Metolius fingerboard in my folk's house in 2007. Proof that training and preparation works!


  1. We'd love to comment about this dude, but most of us have never run a marathon! As for the 8a...

    How about 6a for a day walk?

  2. yeah, I know I'm avoiding a marathon myself :)
    Still though, I've seen that you're strong enough to be trying those graded routes.....

    6a == steep hill-walk? :)


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