Links to Dawid and Sean's photos

Note: The photo above is from Dawid's collection. I just thought it was an amusing shot of my back about to explode. Tried to link to the picture directly but was unable to.
The route is Phaet Maek (7c+), my current project route. It was the first ever route climbed on Ton Sai wall back in 1992! All I need to do is hold the jump (the move I'm just after doing in the picture) and it's done.......

You'll see on the right-hand side of this page that there's links to my photos, etc.

In the interests of promoting the guys, I've added Dawid's and Sean's travel pics also. Dawid has uploaded a load of pics as of today so it'll hopefully keep you entertained :)

Sean, you better post some pictures!!!!

I'll post them here also:
Dawid's pictures
Sean's pictures


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