Crag Baby: Things WE can do to stop global warming.

O.k., I'm on an eco buzz again and promoting TIME again (thanks to latter, CragBaby) but see the above article linked. Well worth reading for those who don't mind making some easy changes.
For the sceptics, some of these are actually good habits (financially, etc.) anyway so read on......

Crag Baby: Things WE can do to stop global warming.

And since I'm somehow still subscribed to this mailing list, and they're promoting their new page, check out Cnet's new Green page. Don't have time to look at it here, but let me know if there's anything of use...


  1. Thanks for linking to my page. I will definitely read more into the CNET page. By the way, the Cragbaby says hello and gives you a lick up the nose.


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